Our VIKI team was involved in the first implementation of a ZWAVE - WIFI home automation system,
a full featured configuration leveraging the advantages of each of the two technologies.

The system automates and manages a two storey home, coordinating a wide range of smart electronic devices
while facilitating interaction and remote control by means of mobile devices and virtual assistants.

  • home automation
  • internet of things
  • smart home

ZWAVE is a well-known communication protocol used primarily in home automation systems. The ZWAVE wireless network handles devices from different manufacturers seamlessly, offering a wide range of possibilities when it comes to the automation options.
Smart WIFI devices have entered the market and are widening opportunities in home automation.
Although both wireless, ZWAVE and WIFI operate on different frequencies therefore without interference.
The ZWAVE - WIFI implementation of VIKI can now leverage the variety of low priced WIFI devices on the market.

VIKI is a smart home automation that offers more than traditional systems do.
It uses advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence
to recognize behavior, anticipate needs and adapt the environment accordingly.

The system automatically adjusts lighting, controls climate and handles multimedia
according to preferences and depending on circumstances it monitors and is aware of.
Nevertheless, it addresses energy efficiency, safety and security concerns.